
Norfolk County Council’s survey about services for those with special education needs and /or disabilities (SEND)

February 2022

Dear parent/carer,

We really need you to give 15 minutes of your time to fill in a survey about SEND services and support in Norfolk.

We hope this is a great chance for you to tell the organisations responsible for SEND in the county what you think of the services and support you and your child or young person receive and what the issues are which matter most to you.

We want to hear what’s working well for you and what needs more improvement. The survey has lots of multiple choices so you can fill it in quickly and easily, but there are also opportunities for you to tell us more if you want to. It can be completed anonymously.
The questions cover everything from education, EHCPs, health, social care, and wider support. They have been put together by a partnership of professionals and parent/carer representatives.

The survey is split into three versions: one for children and young people with SEND aged from 11 to 25; one for parents/carers and one for professionals. You can fill it in as many times as you’d like to.

It’s really important we hear from as many people as possible, so we can use all the information to make the right plans for improvement for the rest of 2022 and beyond.
The main survey can be found here. We have an Easy Read version for children and young people.

The survey will be open for four weeks from Monday 7 February to 5pm on Monday 7 March.

Thank you so much for your time and your responses.
Michael Bateman
Assistant Director of SEND Strategic Improvement and Early Effectiveness